MDC CULT Contest
Contest Trailer by Thibault Zeller
Video including the best finalists of the MDC Cult contest!

Music: Infected Mushroom - Heavyweight
From the album Vicious delicious

Contest supported by MAXON.

Organized by Maxime Hacquard from Mhsprod for the Motion Designers Community.
Video Edit by: Marie-Claire Vidal & Maxime Hacquard.
From left to right: Ab Farsh, Andres Menchen, Atom, Iam Neko
From left to the right: Olivier Caron, Diogo Paixao, Di Yu ZheYeseong Kim
From left to the right: Greg Van DykeJean Wiliquet, JM, N3phro

From left to the right: Neith, Alexander, Kolya Ogre, Namas, Seb
From left to the right: N3phroPat Bailey, Psyco Droid DesignSuleman Ahmad 
From left to right, top to bottom: Yeseong KimMarco SwegClement ArlottiMichal Wowczuk
Image by Eugene Golovanchuk winner of the picture contest ! 
By Momo Media
INIFINITY by Jonathan Garcia Pirlo 
 By Alex Ebcy 
Polycephayl - By Peteras Udwadia 
Lodge 237 - By Stefano Redaelli
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